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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Scarry or not? For all Facebook-ers

1.5 millions facebook accounts on sale! If I'm a facebook user this is a scary fact! He makes money and bring danger to other people without they realized. Next thing they know their account was compromised and who knows it might bring to something they didn't want for example, their account are purchased and use by con men for scam or to spread sensitive things or to offend something or someone. In the end the actual owner of the account will become "a suspect of a criminal that they didn't do" which is the scariest thing adding the fact that they didn't know who using their account for those crime. 


I think this does not happen to facebook only, it might also can happen to any virtual account like blog as well. It will be a nightmare if our personal site are being used or sold to criminals. With the rapid development of virtual world nowadays, it doesn't stop Hackers to do more of their "jobs", they even might getting better in lined with the growth of the technologies. Like other things in life, the solution for problems like this will always come after the problems have become worst and it might take the virtual security developers some times to curb it up. Seems like in this case, Hackers always up further ahead of the security developers.One big example of technology crime is the "pirating business" which until now no fully effective security  have been developed though this have been happening for so many years. Even though there some companies like Sony, Apple and Microsoft are using the things called DRM or Digital Rights Management to protect their content from being pirated but still it is not enough. As can see we can still find pirated Microsoft Windows cd in the market. So back to the virtual hacking, while we wait for the better security protection for the virtual world, the least we could do are as stated in that article. Take precaution people.


Rodz Nocturne said...

Testing testing

Me said...

another test

carolchs said...

i hope you will never see my name on the list of FB accounts to be on sale....yeah, thats scarry.

Rodz Nocturne said...

@chegu Yup. It was scary, i thought this things will never happen with the virtual world today

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