Friendly Reminder

Just read my blog and don't ever leave any provocative and any sensitive unappropriate comments. Share whatever you like. If possible don't be anonymous when leaving comments as I love to know who my readers are, who knows you're one of my long lost friends :) anyway, anonymous comments will not be published for sure.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My Photo Blog

A site dedicated to my photography activities has been established. Photography is one of my hobbies and I've been doing it for two years now. This site is mainly to showcase my shots and get opinion/comments from people and photographers in the virtual world so that I can improve my photography things. So do visit this site at and share anything related to photography things there alrite. Though it is still in improvement phase, more pictures and post will be put there soon. All updates of the post I put there will appear here at the "my photo blog" sidebar. So stay tuned...

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