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Friday, March 12, 2010

Plastic Flower & Real Flower

I still remember few month back when me and my staff and some of the teacher from the nearby school having the afternoon drink at one of my staff's house. A lot of topic pop up during our conversation and one thing that I really can't forget is the one about the "flower". Well at first I didn't get what they're trying to talk about because I was not there when the topic starts but after a few seconds I get what they mean.

Well, the debate was between men group and the ladies group. The man said a lot of "flowers" nowadays are plastic and fake. To have a good smell the flower sprayed with perfume and attract a lot of "bugs". The "bugs" fall in love with the "flower" but the "flowers" have different agenda. Because it is plastic so it won't understand the "bugs" feeling, all the "flowers" wants is get the "best" out of the poor "bugs". When the "bugs" know that the "flower's" feeling was also plastic, the "bugs" want to retaliate but because the "flower" is plastic it won't feel the pain of have any feeling. So the "flowers" are the cheater.

But then the ladies reply, not all "flower" are plastic, the "bugs" were the stupid one that could not differentiate between plastic and real "flowers". The "bugs"only attracted to the smell and the look of the "flower" without wanting to get to know the "flower" is fake or real. Even some "bugs" now also plastic (funny coz plastic "bugs" cannot fly to find the "flower" hehehe) not only "flowers". (so we laugh coz plastic "bugs" cannot fly). Real "flower" won't let the "bug" down if the "bug" is really sincere and not only want to suck the nectar and then gone missing leaving the "flower" to suffer. That "bugs" are even worst they might not be plastic but the heart is plastic.

Then the guy replied, "bug" have plastic heart because of after being cheated by the plastic "flower". But all in all "flower" are so sad to be seen. Because they cannot run away when the "bugs" get them. So sad. But if the "flower" can move they will be worst then the "bugs" because not only the will be plastic or fake but they will be able to cheat more on the "bugs" and moving around from one "bug" to the other offering themselves regardless they're plastic or real. But without the "bugs" the "flower" wont live long coz they need "bugs" to water and fertilized them regularly. If not the "flower" will fade or turn to other "bug" hehehe

Then the ladies said whatever.... The guys laugh because the ladies don't want to argue more. But when we were in the middle of talking about other topic (no more "flower" and "bugs) suddenly a guy stand and say " I need to go home now.. because I got my "flower" that need to "watered" and "fertilized" we were stunned for a while then we laugh out loud hahahaha.


warlockcastle said...

your a funny guy like your tales thumbs up!

Anonymous said...

hahah...bug..bugs bunny...flower2x no honey.

Rodz Nocturne said...

@melvin hahaha

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