Friendly Reminder

Just read my blog and don't ever leave any provocative and any sensitive unappropriate comments. Share whatever you like. If possible don't be anonymous when leaving comments as I love to know who my readers are, who knows you're one of my long lost friends :) anyway, anonymous comments will not be published for sure.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tattered and Torn

Tattered and Torn, Shattered and Scorned, Broken and Ragged, Traumatized and Crushed, Devastated and Exhausted, Hurt and Wounded, Depressed and Heart-rending, Painful and Agonizing, Sick and Tired, Tragic and Impaired, Lost and Betrayed, Lonely and Abandoned, Miserable and Blurred, Dying, Failing, Fading and Vanishing..... in self...

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