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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Blank!!! Some pieces of Gawai..

While typing this post I actually don't know what to write or doesn't have anything to post about. But I was too bored stuck at home and I felt like I've neglect my blog for quiet a while (as I went off for Gawai). So because I was back from Gawai I think it's worth to share a few photos I took that time. Not many photos was taken during Gawai as I was "preoccupied" with a lot of things that didn't really permitted me to bring my camera around. Plus, I won't be able to take any photo when holding a bottle or glass or can at one hand :p or when I just sitting and have conversation with people then taking photo while they talk to me will certainly annoyed them. So the only time that I was free to take some photo during the Junior Kumang Gawai competition held at my longhouse as during this time people were pretty much concentrate onto the event and leave the drinking, eating and chatting aside for a while. So enough said, here are a few photo from that competition. (Sorry for the not-so-good photo).

p/s: That's all the photos I have for the Gawai, seriously. And why no adult/grown up Kumang competition? I don't know hehehe


Naomi said...

So this Kumang competition is only in your village? Is it a longhouse?

Busy drinking ah? not busy panggang fish or lemang?

Rodz Nocturne said...

Yup, only for my longhouse and yes it is a longhouse, modern one by the way :p

We did panggang fish or lemang but it was done before the Gawai celebration.

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