1. They will be narrow minded, non-diverse thinking and even "single" minded
2. They will hate the praised side and become extreme against that side. (this could lead to the arising of extremists group)
3. There will exist a group with neutral or confused mind which is one of the reason young voters didn't want to vote.
I really want to know why this is happening and if it's related to the ethical matters, rules and regulations and even laws, might sounds reasonable, because I don't think anybody want to be put their life at "stakes" if saying bad things about the "praised side" if you know what I mean. Or even to get better business, cause if not then money won't came in as the other side has no "stable" income to pay big to the channels to praised them.
Maybe this is to differentiate the "good" side and the bad side and like other imbalance things in this world, the bad side will always become bad and the good will always be better. But we should taking into account on the fact that people's mind can change no matter how deep they're influenced, eventually they will change. I don't think all people can stand when only one side were praised and lifted all the time. Like eating the same things every meal every day, everyone can stand that? Yes, those who gained something from it can stand it all. The worst things can happen is that when people are sick of all that they will switch to the other side. They even can be confused by all that and they might not show it but what if they don't want to vote in elections or even register as voters because they don't know which side to choose.
We all know that the influence of the mass media can be very effective be it negatively or positively. I still strongly believe that, all news slots should be fair in their delivery (though it's hard to talk fairness and justice nowadays), we all know we human never perfect. So I don't think there's only one side that does good and the other side has never done any good (maybe they does not do good but do the good side always perfectly done everything right?)
I didn't mean to condemn anybody but as a normal citizens I have the right to give my thoughts and opinions when I felt confused or in question of something. Most people in our country still can't afford satellite Tv service and definitely they can only watch the national tv channels and this shows that all those channels is the best medium to deliver news and updates. That's why they have to be very fair and balance, maybe the government tv channels have their own objectives in delivering government's updates but the private national tv channels should not tied up to any sides and the best news slots/channels of all is when it is NEUTRAL.
Anyway I know I couldn't asked for more, besides I'm just a small normal citizen. I can only hope that there will be a neutral news slots or channels in our country (though seems like impossible) so that we will have better opportunity to compare and have better judgments on which is good and bad. Cheers and peace...
p/s: correct me if anything I wrote is wrong hehehe
Very annoying, isn't it? I had get bored of watching news and read newspaper. I was disappointed from getting mislead news
Definitely, I'm sick of watching the news nowadays, a lot of propaganda and realy2 one sided.
Hahaha politics?
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