Gosh!! It's been more than a week I didn't update my blog and doing my blog hopping. Got a lot of things going on lately (which also denied my option of going to RWMF). Though all of those thing doesn't consumed most of my time but they do cost me a lot of energy and caused my brain to do 125% thinking. Anyway, enough for my life, last Saturday I went for a movie to unwind myself. Got two option, watch Twilight or Predators and Twilight (Eclipse) won as my sister is so eager to watch what happen next in the continuation of that movie. I'm not a big fan of Twilight as well as any of the characters in that movie but I like vampire and werewolf movie. Anyway, I won't write a long post on this movie, I'll try to make it brief :p
Ok, my expectation before watching the movie was:
1. Hoping that it will be full packed with actions because some opinion said this might be the last Twilight sequel (might not be true). This is my biggest expectation and maybe at least 50% of the movie are packed with dramatic fighting scenes.
2. Also I expect that the vampire will be working together with the werewolf because of Bella.
3. One of the main characters will get killed.
4. Bella will not become a vampire.
5. Old enemy will hunt the vampire once more.
I don't have to introduce or mention who are the star in this movie as most of you know who they are from the last two sequels. Not much change in the actors and actresses anyway. If you've watched the last to Twilight then you know who to expect in that movie.

1. After half way throughout the movie, there are no fighting and action scene (got only few minor biting and vampire chasing kind of scene). Total disappointment as it not as what I expected.
2. The main action scene was a good one and as I expected the vampire working together with the wolfs, this part is the best part in that movie but the only one as such and yes it is because of Bella.
3. No main character get killed, only severely injured and only bad guys killed.
4. Bella has not yet became a vampire (no scene show that she did anyway).
5. Old enemy is back!!
The not-so-good about this movie:
1. Too much kissing scene!!!!
2. Too much lovey dubey kind of things instead of thrill actions!!!!
3. What a vampire and werewolfs movie without a lot of blood and brawl? One word, LAME!!!
4. It is confusing whether this movie is an action movie or a love story kind of movie. Well after give it a thought it is neither, don't know how to categorized it by the way hehehe
5. The Dakota Fanning's gang is too strong and they didn't even fight :p
The so-good thing about this movie:
1. Got a few funny scene especially when Bella caught in between Edward and Jacob in most of the things
2. The vampire and werewolf work together and seems like the rivalry could be ended in the next sequel if they have it.
3. The characters are all personally impressive and have their own unique personality.
4. A good love movie for all love story fans who seek alternative and different in love movie.
5. Good to watch if you're a big fans of any of the stars in that movie :p (of course la)
All in all, this movie is good to watch if any of you prefer love story with a little thrill action but if you're an action movie lover... ermmm.... hehehe decide for yourself..... By the way, ask me what I like about this movie, I will say I like Jane and Alice, why? I like their abilities, Jane can inflict immense pain on other with only a look and Alice? well I think many humans wish they had Alice's ability of seeing visions of the future, at least I know I do :p
Well people, just go watch Twilight Eclipse and give your own opinion. Mine might not be so much positive and you guys might have better opinion.. Adios...
Twilight is for Chicks bro. Like no joke, its for chicks. The last time I went, my gf wanted to really watch it.. and i ended up twitting while watching :P
hehehe, it was my sister who wanted to watch it so bad and I just joined along as I expected that it will be more action packed but come to a big disappointment. Agree with you, it's for chicks and those who extremely jiwang hehehe
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