This will not be a review post for this HTC Wildfire (that I just acquired) but rather a short post on to express my opinion at the very first sight seeing and feeling this phone. It won't be too technical and in depth yet until I really experience it. HTC Wildfire is one of the latest models introduced by HTC alongside other models such as the HTC Desire and Nexus One. But Wildfire is not actually fit to called Desire and Nexus One's siblings though, it would be rather come between those two or derived from them. What I mean is seems that some part of Wildfire was taken from Desire, another from Nexus One and even from other earlier phone like the HTC HD2. Hard to be digested? Well wait until my review on this phone (after a few days playing with it) then I'll explain more as I will be able to detect which part belong to which phone and "paste" onto the HTC Wildfire.

So yeah, Wildfire is a good looking, handsome/pretty android phone, no doubt, with its sleek and neat design with not-overdone curve side which is identical to most of HTC phone. When looking at this phone before actually touching it and have never tried HTC phone before, one can fall in love easily with this phone especially the one in red color. As for me, I'm tired of the black, gray and silver colored phone now though my favorite color; one of them; is black. This time I told myself I'll go for something different so I go for red. Think that red is sissy or gay? Nah!!! What this this phone called? Yes Wildfire, so because it is a Wildfire so red is more relevant, right? Whatever, I like it red this time.
If anyone asked me why buy this phone? Because it is HTC, simple answer, I've used HTC before, the HTC Tattoo and this Wildfire is actually for me to replace that Tattoo (not tattoo on my body ok :p ). If we line up all the current HTC android phone and categorized them in group such as entry level, armature, semi-pro and pro, this Wildfire will be easily and without doubt fall into the entry level category. Why? because first: it is the cheapest among the current HTC android phone, two: the specifications is quiet a low end and three: it lack of some advance features such as those fitted into the higher end model like HTC Legend and Desire. But this is not a simple and worthless phone. It still a sophisticated and multifunctional smart phone which for me personally can shake the more expensive phone like Iphone 3G and even Iphone 3GS though it might not win the battle :p
Wildfire runs on Android 2.1 and it's only a matter of time for the latest Android 2.2 to be available for upgrade. Physically this phone exterior are pretty much straight forward without any unappropriate buttons. Although there's no shutter button for the camera but this will not be a big problem as the optical trackpad took over the job. Did I mention optical trackpad? Well this is one thing that I like in HTC's new ranges, innovative I must say :p The 3.2 QVGA capacitive screen is good enough to compliment this phone and the style of this phone look more mature than it's predecessor the HTC Tattoo. I do admit, when it come to looks, Wildfire is not disappointing at all.
So I'll play with this beauty for a few days and I will sure to go back to give my opinion on it and share my experience. It will not be long, if I'm too impressed or too disappointed with it, tomorrow I'll write a post about it :p So anyway, just wait for it then and for those who can't wait for my review and want to go and grab this Wildfire first, go ahead or those who already experience living with it, all your opinion and sharing are very much welcome. Adios for now... peace....
boss, berapa harga satu tompok? ;p
Kalau satu tompok 10 biji mau mahal sikit owh, RM13k itu macam, tapi kalau satu biji ada murah, lebih kurang RM1250 itu macam hehehe. Depend sama mana kedai you angkat punya lor :p
mana u beli u punya? kalau itu macam punya harga 1 bijik, kira murah sudah itu. bingung sudah saya ini. ini semua u punya pasal la ni. maok dual sim card punya tipon kah atau android punya tipon.
Saya beli sini kuching. Hehehe kalau u suka benda yang sophisticated sikit, not a typical kind of phone and fun, android is one of the option and kalau mau yang simple n very user friendly with the extra convinient of having 2 sims in 1 phone and guarantee stability then you the option lah hehehe
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