1. All Sarawakians aged above 60 years old will be given at least RM400 annually for what they said to be as token of appreciation for their contributions to the state.
Will this be given to all Sarawakians? Or given according to their income level? Including those rural people also?
2. An annual allocation of RM80 million from State Budget will be allocated to eradicate poverty.
What is the NEW mechanism to "deliver" this allocation?
3. All schools, regardless of background will be given allocations based on their needs like what was being practiced in Penang, Selangor and Kelantan.
Define "needs". All schools in Sarawak especially in deep rural area have a lots of needs which might include rebuilding everything and building what was missing and importantly they in need of necessities like electricity. All those will be covered?
... and the next will be more interesting
If they were to take over Federal Government they expect to:
1. Give Sarawak 20% in oil royalties from Petronas, 15% more that the current 5%.
From overall oil production or only from those extracted from Sarawak? How about other oil companies that have operation in Sarawak?
2. All NCR land will be surveyed and titled (communal and individual) issued and those leases that have been expired will be renewed unconditionally..
3.Serious attention to flood problems
4. Long-term investment in human capital and infrstructure
5. WiFi will be provided free of charge
In rural areas as well? If it does cover rural areas, please provide constant electricity first. Hope it will not be in urban areas only.
Realistically, most of those above (or maybe all) has never been promised before. I would not say that all of those were way too ambitious, maybe there ways to do it. But we have been "showered" with a lot of promises before and sometimes (or maybe most of the time) promises will become promises and in the end nothing resolved. I think many of us are sick off promises and one statement if they were serious about those things above (and of course if they take over) seriously "Walk The Talk" don't just talk and then go catch mosquitoes.
Anyway, those are all expectations or more like an ambitions though. In reality, there are more critical issues in Sarawak such as environmental and timber industries. So what should they do now? Don't enjoy the winning for too long and don't dream too much for the time being. Looking forward is good but don't neglect what's in front of your eyes. If change that you're talking about, seriously "change" first.
I'm not so much into politics kind of things but if politics can really effecting our life I think I have my right to express anything about it. If you asked me about what's my opinion on today's political scenarios, honestly I'm sick of it all. I do still believe that politic should not involving religions because religions is not for us to championed others. Also political party should not be of a "personal interest". I'm also not supporting any sides but I do hope for better living.
Well, the final question is what do you think?
p/s: This is the first time I heard about awards in political party regarding their performance in their campaign.. Hmmm...
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