Throughout my life she's have been very supportive in whatever I do, be it in education or sport (contrary to my dad). And one thing I know she never stops praying for my success in life. The reason why I said she had sacrifice so much is because seems that sometimes or maybe most of the time she's "alone" in doing and handling family matters. Plus ever since I know how to understand things, my mum have been a very very patient and strong person especially dealing with my dad who has hard time to lead the family. One thing for sure that I know she's really a soft person in heart as most of the time she didn't want to hurt anybody though those anybody might have hurt her badly.
My mom has never disappoint me in almost everything, be it when I asked money (during study time hehe) or other things. Accept that, because I spent most of my life growing up far away from home and only be at home for maybe a month or two in a year (totaled up hehehe), I was not really understood by her as she didn't know when I'm mad and still scolded me when I teased my sisters like I'm a little kid. I noticed when I finished my study she still not accepting me as grown up teenager and still treating me like I'm younger but along the way after that she learned that I'm grown up now and she need not to worry too much and gave herself some confident that I carry myself well already.
One thing for sure, my mom is the one person I could never betrayed or hate. She's the best ever and there could never be somebody like her. As today is the mother's day, I would like to say greatest appreciation to my mom and thank you so much. In God's will I will try my best to play my role as a son and may God bless my mom and all moms in the world....
Mom's the best!
Indeed, Happy Mother's Day to u Chegu :)
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